24.07.2021. 05:05 We would like to inform that in accordance with the information published on July 23, 2021 by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia (SPKC), the United States of America has been included in the list of third countries with high levels of Covid-19 infections. Therefore, as of July 24, 2021 travel to…
11/01/2020 Information Concerning Travel To/From Latvia
Coronavirus and Traveling to Latvia As you are probably aware, the number of registered cases of coronavirus in Latvia has increased in past few weeks. Latest information about current situation concerning coronavirus in Latvia and travel restrictions related to it is available on the webpage of Center of Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia: https://www.spkc.gov.lv/lv/valstu-saslimstibas-raditaji-ar-covid-19-0…
Mikus Kins Interview in Delfi Concerning the Latvian-American Chamber of Commerce
Important information regarding traveling to Latvia
As of June 10 entry requirements for foreigners entering the Republic of Latvia have changed. In addition to U.S. citizens holding a valid residence permit in Latvia/other EU Member State/country of EEA/Switzerland also immediate family members of Latvian nationals who reside permanently outside of Latvia are allowed to enter Latvia. More information is available here:…
COVID-19 UPDATE. Emergency situation in Latvia extended until June 9.
Please be informed that due to the expansion of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the U.S. as of May 12, 2020 until further notice the Consular Division of the Embassy of Latvia to the U.S. will continue to provide only those consular services that can be received remotely. To apply for a new passport it is possible…
Informējam, ka šodien Ministru kabinets pagarinājis ārkārtējo situāciju Latvijā līdz 12. maijam, kas nozīmē, ka paliek spēkā esošie robežu šķērsošanas ierobežojumi. Aicinām arī turpmāk personas, kuras interesējas par repatriāciju, novirzīt tieši uz Latvijas vēstniecības ASV Konsulāro nodaļu: consulate.usa@mfa.gov.lv Pilna ziņa par Ministru kabineta lēmumu: https://www.mk.gov.lv/lv/aktualitates/par-arkartejas-situacijas-izsludinasanu *** Please be informed that today the Cabinet of Ministers…
“Currently return to Latvia is very difficult due to the state of emergency declared by the Government of Latvia and closing of the national border. The border can only be crossed by transport service providers that have obtained a special permit from the Minister of Transportation (information about permits granted and application process: http://www.sam.gov.lv/?cat=8&art_id=9533). To…